Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kids.... and what's on their mind(3)

This story I must write, so I wont forget. Though it was told almost 2 months ago by Timmy, the story is still fresh on my mind.
One day, Timmy's husband was telling a story to their children about a man,during prophet Muhammad's time,  who helped a prostitute:

Abah : "Satu hari ada sorang lelaki ni, dia tolong sorang perempuan jahat..."
 (He avoided the word pelacur so he wouldn't have to explain the meaning)
Son: "Jahat macam mana bah?"
Abah: "Jahat sangat...dia tolong perempuan ni, lepas tu Allah janjikan syurga bagi dia. Jadi, kita kena tolong orang, tak kisah dia jahat atau baik, Allah tetap balas"
Son: "Kita kena buat baik kat semua orang, ya Bah?"
Abah: "Ya, kat binatang pun"
Son: "Macam mana kita nak buat baik pada dinosaur, Bah?"
Abah: "Dinosaur dah lama tak ada, jadi tak payahlah buat baik kat dia!"
Son: "Kita kena buat baik kat semua binatang, kan Bah?"
Abah:"Ya, kat semua binatang"
Son:"Tak kiralah dia duduk kat mana?"
Ya:"Ya, tak kira kat mana..."
Son:"Habis tu, macam mana kita nak buat baik kat octopus, Bah?"

Abah nak talian hayat tak Bah?

Kiamat sudah dekat, kak!

There's this grocery store which I frequent due to the freshness of the produce and what more importantly is, it is easy to park the Unser right in front of the kedai. The owner is a sweet lady, Anisah and she has 3 Indonesian lady workers. One day, after not seeing one of the workers, called Yati, for quite a while, I was pleasantly surprised of her new look.
"Wah! sudah ubah penampilan?!"
"Yalah kak, kiamat sudah dekat!"

Hehehe... Alhamdulillah, Yati sudah bertudung! :) moga kekal selamanya begitu.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Adam Iman

Adam Iman is my  brother's first born. He is now 4, very bright, very active. Adam, like any other kids his age, has rotten teeth, just like his cousin, Tatak Ya. It is a challenge to take him to see a dentist. So, my bro, thought of a way to lure him, he used a pesuasive technique:

"Adam, kawan ayah suka tengok gigi Adam, dia kata nak buat gigi macam Adam! Besok Adam ikut ayah pegi office ya, kawan ayah tu nak tengok gigi Adam"

"Alah, cakap je kat kawan ayah tu, makanlah gula-gula banyak-banyak, nanti jadilah macam gigi Adam!"

Tet terenet tet tet (music background)

p/s: Ayah Adam nak talian hayat?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kids and what's on their mind(2)

Recently, Tuesday 13th, to be exact, was a report-card day for my sons. The meetings with the class teachers was short and sweet.

Come dinner time, Ariff asked, what if a student who does not have parents, who's taking his report card on the report-card day?. Well, I said his guardian will do that.
So, he asked:
"What about Nabi Mohammad? his parents died when he was young, who took his report card, then?"

I need talian hayat!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

La la la di da da da Ggirl!

Laa di daa! hari ni balik kampung, bawak anak saudara, Ggirl, anak kakak ipar, K yeen. Wah! sungguh seronok dia nak balik kampung, ni kali ke-2 dia nak ikut. First time hari tu, dia amat teruja dapat dengar ayam berkokok pagi2, dan kejar ayam keliling rumah mak bapak saya dengan Aish, Dadai dan Ya. 4 orang budak bandar yang ter-"perak" tak pernah kejar ayam... Sebelum proses tangkap ayam dijalankan, ada perjanjian di buat dengan nenek, begini bunyinya:

Ya : nenek, boleh tak kitorang nak tangkap ayam?
Ggirl: boleh ke?
Aish: Ha! jom, nek, boleh tak?
Nenek: tangkaplah, kalau dapat, nenek begi sepuluh ringgit....

Maka proses menangkap ayam pun dimulakan, terbitlah adegan kejar-mengejar ayam keliling rumah!

Seketika kemudian,
Ya: Nek! Aish dapat tangkap ayam satu!
Nenek: (dalam hati) Alamak! terbanglah 40 ringgit aku!
Dadai: Alah nek! ayam tu terlepaslah!
Aish: Ha'ah, kalau tak, dapatlah kita sorang dua ringgit lima puluh sen!
Nenek: Kenapa dua ringgit lima puluh sen?
Aish: Kan nenek janji nak bagi sepuluh ringgit? kalau bagi 4 kan dua ringgit setengah?
Nenek: (dalam hati lagi) *gelak* la budak2 ni, maksud aku sorang sepuluh, bukan dibagi 4!

hmmm... budak2! innocent and naive!


Saya dengar radio semalam, masa saya tengah mengadap komputer, berita lain saya tumpukan perhatian, tapi bila penyampai radio kata "Sultan Brunei telah menceraikan isteri beliau, Azrinaz Mazhar Hakim setelah berkahwin selama lima tahun" Wah! serta merta telinga saya tegak! (Sebelumtu apa? layu ke Kak Linda? ) hehehe

Pagi ni saya baca Kosmo, Azwaliza dan Wardina di temuramah, Wardina kata, pasti ada hikmah yang besar disebalik semua ini... Azwaliza pulak kata, dia tak boleh komen sebab dah janji pada Azrinaz untuk tak beri sebarang komen. Hanya Allah dan Azrinaz saja yang tahu, dan moga dia boleh bina semula hidup dia ya, sama2 kita doakan, sebab melihat air muka Azrinaz, dia nampak tenang (gambar dalam Kosmo hari ni, tak taulah bila gambar tu diambil!)...jadi mungkin dia lega sebab sedah bebas!?

Saiful Apek

Saiful Apek kena tangkap pasal ganja. Maka dengan ini, ketidaksukaan saya kepada dia berasas. Dia memang berbakat dan kelakar (tapi bagi saya, kelakar dia kadang kala menyakitkan telinga) saya tak menafikan itu, kadang kadang saya ketawa atau mampu senyum sebab lawak dia, tapi kadang2 saja ya! Bukan selalu!

Maka dengan tertuduhnya beliau mengambil ganja, saya rasa saya punya ketidakminatan terhadap dia berasas. Sebagai seorang yang tak minat sangat kat dia, saya tak sedih dia tertangkap, tetapi sebagai saudara se Islam, saya mendoakan dia mendapat taufik dan hidayah... semoga besarlah hikmahnya disebalik semua ini.

Kepada peminat fanatik atau minat "gitu-gitu" je, doakanlah agar si "Gitu-gitu" ni mendapat pengajaran dari semua ini, jangan kutuk dia, doakan dia. Doa sungguh2, jangan "gitu-gitu" je ya!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Timmy from Oman

Oh! what a wonderful day it was yesterday, Wednesday, May 12, 2010. After so many years, Timmy, ex classmate during my confusing years of Form IVSCONE and VSCONE (read: Four Science One and Five Science One) in one of the glorious schools in the City of Crows (formerly known), came back for a miniscule break, alone and 5 months pregnant with the SIXTH one! huhu this means she will come second after Kak Yong who already has "magnificent seven" in her humble abode.

Catching up with each other at first at her parents' place, then the chatting session was carried on in Secret Recipe in the tiny weeny place or should I say TOWN of Banting?! Lovely day, too bad I had to make a move to Sg Buloh when the conversation got so very2 interesting. What about? Many topics were covered, from life in general to kids, to marriage, to future plans. Jokes she told managed to rock SR with our laughters, adding joy to the rather slow-moving service there (tongue in cheeck!)

Oh! ah! now I regretted it that we didn't take a single picture!


My old stationery carrier, lying flat on my desk. Been using this for ages! day in, day out. Roll it down and there you have it! Stationery container!! Charming idea? Thank you! This was purely accidetal as I actually wanted it to be a clutch purse, but at that point in time, was too lazy to put zipper or magnetic closure, so, I attached a string and turned it into a drawstring pouch instead and oh so marvellously has been my stationery carrier since circa 2005? Really? THAT long? oops, me not sure! lost track.

As for this baby, I plan to make this to replace the old one, come new semester and the anticipation of the new curriculum, everything should be new, just as a means to forget the anxiety of juggling the new duty, which is still in a big question mark! Oh well... better to kill the time with something fruitfull... knit away momma. :P

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Alhamdulillah 3rd Sem is officially done and over with! This means I have time to finish the sewing of tudungs and any other needleworks which I so love to put my hands on. Oh dearie me! Got so much in mind, got so inspired by the crafters online with their darn creative works and yes, very presentable blogs as well! Some are funny in their own way, some use Malay, some use very good English (salute!), some try their best to write in English.

With Sem III, done, Sem 1 new Session 10/11 is very highly anticipated!? Yes? No? Many things will be changed with the reshuffling thing and all! Oh dear! oh dear!

Doesn't matterlah with all that! I'm gonna sit here and get my hands on the needles, long and short, blunt and sharp, sew and knit away.

This reminds me that my wardrobe of fabric for tudungs need to be spring cleaned and my basket of yarns need to be revisited... and oh ya! where to put the felt? Kunun2 nak bertukang felt pulak! terlalu ambitious!

I need a good cup of coffee that can keep me awake while knitting the pouches and whatever-nots!


Monday, May 3, 2010

Penat day

Today is my "penat day". Woke up at 7am, kids were very2 very affected coz "The Mama" woke up late, thus they also were woken up very2 late.
When they just hit the bathroom, Makcik Yati the transporter (a very kind kind lady) were already in front of the house honking away... oh no!
Told Ju to tell her, Mama will send the boys. So, up up and away, mama washed her face and of course brushed her teeth as well, changed into something "presentable" other than the comfy caftan she was wearing.
Dashed into the car. Sent Aish first, lo and behold! the big gate was locked, the side gate was also locked. Insisted Aish to climbed up the side gate, while doing that, 4-5 more kids came, sent by their mama or papa... hehe, so, I was not the only one who woke up super late this lovely Monday mornin'! To my surprise, the big gate was not locked!
HAHA, so Aish didn't have to climb up the side gate... apalah mama ni!

Then, went grocery shopping at the nearby "bai" store.
While taking a me-time reading newspaper,
Little suddenly sobbing upstairs,
"Nak Mama! nak mama naik atas!"
Up up and away The Mama dashed into the bedroom,
"Kenapa sayang?"
"Ya mimpi mama tak nak peluk Ya!"
Huhuhu sedihnya!

In the midst of blog-surfing, the Mr Hubby called,
"My car broke down, can I please use your car?"
"Well, okay!"
So, up up and away again The Mama to the rescue!
Send car to Mr Hubby, who was waiting at a workshop in DU.

At 2pm, have to invigilate EPT (English Placement Test)paper.
and now,

I'm writing this away,
today is my "Super Penat Day"
But I'm Happy anyway,
Coz I can do the "up up and away"
Like what Superman likes to say!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Aliff Fayyad

Alif Fayyad adalah seorang budak yang berusia 6 tahun. Karakter dia sungguh unik... inilah cebisan2 kisah hari2 yang saya lalui bersama dia. Mak dia kena bawak dia pegi ofis sebab dia kena "chicken pop" - istilah yang digunakan oleh Alya Khatijah- maka itu dia tak boleh pegi sekolah..... ikutilah kisah pngembaraan saya ke alam Aliff Fayyad

Kisah 1
AF: Auntie! bila Alya Khatijah nak balik awal?
AL: Tak boleh balik awal, auntie banyak kerja! Kenapa?
AF: Fayyad nak main dengan dia! Besok boleh tak ambik dia?
AL: Tengoklah dulu!
AF: Kalau dia datang, bawak belon sekali ya, yang kecik2 tu, Fayyad nak main dengan Alya Khatijah
(Siap sebut nama penuh tu!)

Bagus tak otak budak ni? nak dating dgn my daughter, suruh mak girlfren yang supply belon! Fayyad, nanti kalau nak pinang Alya Khatijah, jangan suruh Auntie yang beli cincin ya! Suruh Encik Nazri sponsor tau!

Kisah 2
AM: Eh! kenapa Fayyad kat sini? tak sekolah ke?
AF: Tak! cuti.. Fayyad sakit jantung!
AM: HAHAHA.. selambanya jawapan dia!

Untuk pengetahuan, AF=Aliff Fayyad, AL= Auntie Linda, AM=Aunti Mona

Ada lagi kisah2 lain, tapi sambung lain kali, nak solat zuhur, kejap lagi kena daki gunung nak ke Blok E untuk mencurahkan ilmu kpd anak bangsa.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Zahra nak jadi kakak

Petang tadi, masa dalam kelas, dapat SMS dari Elmi Haryadi
"Zahra nak jadi kakak"
having had a massive headache,
I thot he meant to say that Zahra,
his daughter,
who is about 1yr 2 mos told him that she wants to be like me!
Elmi calls me kakak, coz I'm his big (read: older, not size!)sister
So, when I called him back
"Kenapa Zahra nak jadi kakak?"
Ceh masa tu kembang hati ingat anak sedara
yang masih terkedek2 tu
dah pandai cakap nak jadi macam Wak Lindanya ni!
my hb, upon hearing my question..,
"Oh! nak dapat adik ya?"
the gong in my head went "DANG"!
"Oh! nak dapat adik.. thats why nak jadi kakak!"
Lawak ke tidak? kalau tak, you must be suffering from a massive headache as well....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Live long and healthy!

Last Thursday, we went to Arwah Abg (Dr) Azmi's tahlil.
After the tahlil we went to my MIL's brother's "besan"
This lady's age is 82, she's still healthy and can still drive at night!
Wah! will I live that long and be healthy and strong too?
InsyaAllah and ameen

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hari ini hari Jumaat

hari ini hari Jumaat
Mat Salleh, kalau dah sampai ke hari Jumaat,
mereka kata TGIF= Thank God It's FRIDAY
Sebagai orang Islam,
Jumaat adalah penghulu segala hari
termasuklah Pasaraya Hari-hari
ehh... itu bukan

Oleh itu, sempena mengambil keberkatan hari penghulu segala hari nilah,
saya membuka blog saya yang baru
tahun 2008 ada buat tapi 2 entry je,
nama blog dulu lain
sekarang dah lain
dah 2 tahun tambah umur,
dah matured!


Apa itu Kusmera?
Ia adalah kombinasi nama datuk dan nenek belah mak...
KUS = Kussen (asal nama Hussin, sebab wong jowo kan, translate :
wong = orang bukan nama along kutip utang!
jowo = jawa,
oleh itu, H tukar jadi K, sebab lidah Jawa lebih suka huruf K dari H, (ya ke?)
(nasib baik nama I tak jadi Karlinda!)

Mera= nick name nenek, nama betul Mursinah (again, nama Jawa!)
actually nick dia Merah sebab dia putih kemerah-merahan, bak kata orang England "rosy cheecks" haaa gitulah! dijadikan MERA for glamourisation purpose ya! itu kerja cucu cicit yang rasa nak menglamerkan nama UNIK nenekku yang comel iteww!!!

Moga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat Allah sentiasa... ameen

Kids..and what's on their mind(1)

One morning Alya woke up crying...
Mama: "Kenapa Ya ngangis?"
Ya : "Ya mimpi mama masuk penjara! mama jangan buat benda jahat tau!"

...few days after that...
Ya: "Mama! mama jgn buat benda jahat tau! Ya taknak mama masuk penjara!"
Ya: "kalau mama masuk penjara, Ya nak buat benda jahat jugak supaya Ya dapat masuk penjara dengan mama"
Mama:"Hah? kita sama-sama masuk penjara?"
Ya: "yelah, Ya tak boleh kalau mama tak ada dengan Ya!"

Ya gusti pangeran!!!