Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kids.... and what's on their mind(3)

This story I must write, so I wont forget. Though it was told almost 2 months ago by Timmy, the story is still fresh on my mind.
One day, Timmy's husband was telling a story to their children about a man,during prophet Muhammad's time,  who helped a prostitute:

Abah : "Satu hari ada sorang lelaki ni, dia tolong sorang perempuan jahat..."
 (He avoided the word pelacur so he wouldn't have to explain the meaning)
Son: "Jahat macam mana bah?"
Abah: "Jahat sangat...dia tolong perempuan ni, lepas tu Allah janjikan syurga bagi dia. Jadi, kita kena tolong orang, tak kisah dia jahat atau baik, Allah tetap balas"
Son: "Kita kena buat baik kat semua orang, ya Bah?"
Abah: "Ya, kat binatang pun"
Son: "Macam mana kita nak buat baik pada dinosaur, Bah?"
Abah: "Dinosaur dah lama tak ada, jadi tak payahlah buat baik kat dia!"
Son: "Kita kena buat baik kat semua binatang, kan Bah?"
Abah:"Ya, kat semua binatang"
Son:"Tak kiralah dia duduk kat mana?"
Ya:"Ya, tak kira kat mana..."
Son:"Habis tu, macam mana kita nak buat baik kat octopus, Bah?"

Abah nak talian hayat tak Bah?

Kiamat sudah dekat, kak!

There's this grocery store which I frequent due to the freshness of the produce and what more importantly is, it is easy to park the Unser right in front of the kedai. The owner is a sweet lady, Anisah and she has 3 Indonesian lady workers. One day, after not seeing one of the workers, called Yati, for quite a while, I was pleasantly surprised of her new look.
"Wah! sudah ubah penampilan?!"
"Yalah kak, kiamat sudah dekat!"

Hehehe... Alhamdulillah, Yati sudah bertudung! :) moga kekal selamanya begitu.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Adam Iman

Adam Iman is my  brother's first born. He is now 4, very bright, very active. Adam, like any other kids his age, has rotten teeth, just like his cousin, Tatak Ya. It is a challenge to take him to see a dentist. So, my bro, thought of a way to lure him, he used a pesuasive technique:

"Adam, kawan ayah suka tengok gigi Adam, dia kata nak buat gigi macam Adam! Besok Adam ikut ayah pegi office ya, kawan ayah tu nak tengok gigi Adam"

"Alah, cakap je kat kawan ayah tu, makanlah gula-gula banyak-banyak, nanti jadilah macam gigi Adam!"

Tet terenet tet tet (music background)

p/s: Ayah Adam nak talian hayat?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kids and what's on their mind(2)

Recently, Tuesday 13th, to be exact, was a report-card day for my sons. The meetings with the class teachers was short and sweet.

Come dinner time, Ariff asked, what if a student who does not have parents, who's taking his report card on the report-card day?. Well, I said his guardian will do that.
So, he asked:
"What about Nabi Mohammad? his parents died when he was young, who took his report card, then?"

I need talian hayat!